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Mage Space | Best AI Tool To Unleash Your Creativity 2024

mage space

Free AI Image Creation and More

Mage Space is a website that offers free AI image creation. It creates images fast and with ease of use.

mage space

Features of this tool

Best AI Tool To Unleash Your Creativity

Share across all creativity marketing

For your best creativity

When finished, click Enhance to enlarge your photo to 2048 by 2048 pixels. Mage is currently using the Stable Diffusion model v1.5. Space.


LoRA Models: MageSpace’s Core

Low-rank adaptation models, or LoRA models, are the stars of MageSpace’s artificial intelligence capabilities.

They concentrate on particular tasks, which makes them fantastic at creating a wide range of interesting things.

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The Mage Space AI User Group

The user base of MageSpace is among its most impressive features. People from all over the world gather to create, exchange, and view incredible AI-generated art and type droids.

You can view the creations of other people by selecting the explore option. The artwork is divided into various categories; we’ll begin by examining the fantasy art area.

Fantastic Art

You will find some great and creative artwork in this section. You can get creative ideas from them for your endeavors.

Anime Figures

These are user-made, imaginative anime characters. It works well if you want to make fictional characters for video games or novels.


Admire amazing scenery that seems to come from another planet. They’re excellent for creating your fictional universe or setting the stage.

Additional Motivational Subjects

There is a lot of artistic content in the MageSpace community. Further sections, such as anime characters and landscapes, may provide more inspiration.

mage space

How to Use Mage Space to Create Your Art

Let’s have a look at how to use the awesome program MageSpace to make your artwork.

  1.  Select an Initial Concept

Navigate to the MageSpace area first. You can jot down your idea there, which will serve as the basis for your artwork.

  1. Select Your Initial Style

MageSpace offers a wide variety of styles. Select the one that best fits your concept. Certain styles may be more expensive.

mage space

Mage Space

For your multiple Creativity tool

  1. Create Something Genuine

With a few changes, you can add something unique to your artwork. You can change the number of steps involved, the size of your artwork, and the desired style.

  1.  Produce Art

Click Create whenever you are satisfied with the idea, design, and parameters. Your work will materialize before your eyes, thanks to MageSpace.

  1.  Adjust and Investigate

Take your time to refine your artwork once it has been created. The Control Net tool allows you to reposition body parts, alter the face, and make other minor adjustments.

  1.  Conserve and Display

Save and distribute your artwork to others if you truly appreciate it. Your AI-created artwork is prepared for public display. 

Now, let’s talk about Magespace.

Text Prompt

Input the words or thoughts you wish to utilize for your image here.

View Options

A View Options button is located under the text box. It assists you in selecting the appropriate equipment to produce a stunning image. More options are available to you if you are a Pro user.

Aspect Ratio and Dimensions

In this section, you will modify the width and height of your image to alter its shape and size.

Quality and Guidance Scale

It determines the amount of effort the computer does to produce a detailed image. You can adjust the degree to which the computer follows your suggestions using the guiding scale.

The computer is going to follow your commands more closely if you set it higher.

MAKE Unleash Your Creativity


Privacy Mode

By activating privacy mode, you may protect the privacy of your images. This ensures that your work remains unique and prevents others from stealing it.

Negative Prompt

You can also state what you don’t want to say in addition to what you want to say. For instance, you can instruct the computer to exclude the light and trees from a photograph of a mountain.

How to Set Up Your Custom Model in MageSpace AI

In Mage, let’s start by building up your unique model before we begin creating characters. Taking this crucial initial step will ensure that the AI produces content that you enjoy.

There are various custom models available on Mage. Space AI, each with unique qualities. The Deliberate, Realistic Vision, or Hassan models are the ones employed.

Modifying Preferences

Set the aspect ratio of your tablet to 2:3 to begin. This form is useful for creating accurate portraits of people.

Start with 50 and 6 for the steps and CFG parameters. For the majority of tasks, these settings are adequate, but you can adjust them later if necessary.

Formulating Your Ideal Character

Now for the exciting part: formulating your character’s concept. Your suggestion is significant since it guides the AI on the type of character to create.

These are crucial components to incorporate into your concept.

Kind of Image

A typical image is the raw picture.

Analog Picture: A character with a retro appearance.

MiniDV Video: Similar to a vintage video.

Security Video: A grainy, low-quality image.

Gender and Body

Provide the AI with the character’s body type, such as athletic, fit, huge, or slim. Mention the character’s gender as well.


The age of the character can be set by you or determined at random by the AI. The character’s appearance changes with age.


Indicate if you would like your character to have any accessories on. To start, it’s ideal to keep things simple, like just saying what style of shirt they should wear.


4 star rating
4 star rating
4 star rating
4 star rating
It gives players the freedom to realize their creative concepts with a wide range of customization possibilities, from character creation to style selection.


Make a note of your character’s ethnicity if you want them to have a certain appearance. Although it’s not an exact science, some words can help.

Creating Personas

Let’s create some characters now. We will begin with a simple concept and modify it to create our characters.

First Concept

Don’t bring up the first character’s age or ethnicity. In this manner, we may observe the random ideas generated by the AI.

Changing the Hair Color and Age

Incorporate the character’s age and hair color into your concept to create stronger and more cohesive identities. This increases your control and reduces your options.

Changing Ethnicity and Body

To get the ideal appearance for the character, you can also change the ethnicity and body type. These modifications maintain the characters’ similarity.

Creating a Lot of Personas

Repeat the process with different concepts to create new characters. You’ll have a cast of characters to work with in this fashion.


What are the Costs of Mage Space AI?

This is the price that it is:
Free: If you want to try it with fewer options.
For $4 a month, you can get more features and rid of advertisements.
The finest package, with no commercials and access to a large number of models, costs $15 per month.


With the help of AI, Mage Space is an easy-to-use platform that produces beautiful art and photographs.

Both new and seasoned artists will find it to be an entertaining and accessible tool due to its vibrant worldwide community and reasonably priced pricing tiers.

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February 16, 2024

This tool prove best for me as a photographer,it edit images incre.dibly
